Some years ago, about 6 or 7 my wife had given to her a 'living bouquet' that is a selection of house plants growing in a pot, delivered to our home in Kent England UK by Interflora or similar. As time went by all but one of the plants died off, but the plant in the two photographs has now reached 36 inches high. It has never flowered, does not care much if you water it or not and still grows in original pot in original soil. (I gave it a shower and water and feed for the photos - normally it lives indoors.) It stands on a table in full sun - in Winter it gets cold and also does not mind the heat from our log burner which is in same room. The second photo is a close up of leaves. What is it please?!!
I'm thinking it might be some sort of fragrant lily. This opinion is based on the fact that it was given as a living bouquet. These sorts of things often include an an Easter lily or or a 'Stargazer'. It's not uncommon for these plants to grow quite tall as well. Our Stargazer grew to be about 3 ft tall this year.