Hot off the press!! Caterpillars & Conifers book

Discussion in 'Conversations Forum' started by Best kept secret, Jun 29, 2006.

  1. Best kept secret

    Best kept secret Member

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    Sidney, BC--Vancouver Island
    Robert W. (Bob) Duncan's new book will be extremely helpful in identifying caterpillars that defoliate conifers in BC. Fantastic photos and lots of helpful information on identifying characteristics, coniferous hosts, range and bionomics for over 170 species. The book was just released in April, and Bob has already been interviewed on both local TV and CBC radio. The 359 page book "Conifer Defoliators of British Columbia", can be ordered online from Pacific Forestry Research Centre, Victoria. Site address is
  2. Daniel Mosquin

    Daniel Mosquin Paragon of Plants UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    It sounds like an interesting book, but with this being your first post, it also sounds a bit "off" - too much like an ad. The forums are a dinner party, and a first post like this is akin to bursting into the dinner party and announcing loudly to the room that there's something for sale. The more acceptable way, of course, would be to chat people up at the dinner party, let them get to know you and your opinions, and then casually mention the item for sale when appropriate.

    I've moved the thread to the registered-only conversation and chat forum.
  3. Best kept secret

    Best kept secret Member

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    Sidney, BC--Vancouver Island
    Thanks for the information. Have seen the book and thought it might interest those people who have anything to do with conifers. Didn't mean it to sound like an ad.

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