Hello For how long should I let our horses' manure age, before I can safely use small amounts of it it in my flowerbeds as fertilizer? Thank you for any help.
Hi, I've used horse manure before. I bought it fresh from the farm, and placed it in an unused spot in my garden, and allowed it to just lie there and rot ..until it appeared to me to be crumbly and easy to manage. Then I used it in my garden. It produced great results.Best of luck!
I often let it sit in a large mound for about 6 months. It'll generate enough heat to kill many of the seeds that make it through the digestion system. However, I sometimes do as Meggie and just layer it on a bed that won't see seeds or transplants for at least a few months. My grandfather used to sidedress the beds with fresh manure ... just adding it between the established rows. Richard