Has any of this cactus-type plant arrived in Canada? I understand it is native to the Kalahari, and I am unsure of its proper name. Is it available/possible to raise? Sal
Considering what people are charging to import the capsules for diets, it would be interesting if you could grow it here! Try Googling Hoodia gordonii and see what comes up!
I understand a pharmaceutical company has bought up all the hoodia in africa, it is just unbelievable that it could be ALL the hoodia.
It isn't, that's nonsense I think, but they may have taken over some co's that were already in production, vs gone out and actually corralled all the wild-growing plants around.
Hello im in BC & started some Hoodia Gordonni from seed last winter they had a fantastic germination rate & for the most part have been fairly easy keepers . seed sourced at http://www.koehres-kaktus.de/index1gb.htm they did run out but may have some more . i have quite a few if you cant find any seed or plants
www.bouncingbearbotanicals.com has some cuttings and seeds. However there are "other" types of plants on that site. You should be fine if you just order the Hoodia.