I live on the northshore of Lake Erie in Ontario and a neighbour has a wall of honeysuckle. I have no idea what it's scientific name is but the blooms are yellow. They are moving and I would like to get some of it and try to grow it in my garden. I have read conflicting ideas on the net so for my area.... when should I cut it? Where should I cut? Does it go into soil or into water? HELP!
My sister's neighbour had honeysuckle with wonderful fragrance you could smell 50 ft away. The blooms are a creamy colour. I asked for a few cuttings (it gets heavilly pruned anyway) and just stuck them in the ground with a bit of rooting powder in the fall. Out of about 5 cuttings, 3 grew slowly the first year but took off after that and now do well enough that I have to prune it quite heavily myself. In fact, out here I find it can get quite unruly and I have a job keeping it our of my (picky) neighbour's property.
Yes, I had wanted a honeysuckle for a while but didn't want a lot of work keeping it in check. My sister's neighbour didn't have an i.d. on his plant, but I know it is definitely a honeysuckle, and I watched it for a couple of seasons. He keeps his in a very neat clump whereas I have mine fanned out. However, you do need to prune it back. I prune lightly after flowering and get a second bloom. Then prune more severely in the fall.