I am not sure if this is where I should ask this question or not but here goes. Last year I ordered and planted some yellow hollyhocks. They have been beautiful and have just about bloomed out. My question is: Do I cut them back and will they come back next year? If not I sure do want to order some more. Thanks for any help anyone might offer. Dan Blenis
I think hollyhocks are biennial, meaning you need seedlings one year to propduce blooms the next year. Order more. That's what I am doing with some dark black hollyhocks. Did they produce seed? That's why I would leave the stalks, for the seed production.
Cut most of them down and save one or two for seeds, they can sometimes act as short-lived perennials if they are not allowed to go to seeds. One or two plants will give you more than enough seeds for next year in case the rest dies.