Hi, I have a holly tree in a pot. It was losing some leaves so I put it in a bigger pot and it seems to be OK. It is getting quite tall and thin. Is there a way to prune it so it gets bushier and not so tall? Thanks
@PaulFishman, good evening Paul and welcome to the forum. I have a varigated Holly in a pot and have kept it small by pruning. IMO I would prune and take the top off to the height you require, 'but not now ' as you do not want new young shoots forming that can be damaged from Autumn frosts. Next year between April and beginning of July is the best time to shape your Holly. It will thicken once you carry out the pruning of the tip and side branches. Hope this is of help
It does help, thanks. Does it matter how tall I prune it? I mean how much I chop off? It is about 6’ tall now. I would like it about 4’
@PaulFishman, not a problem at all Paul, it is a very hardy shrub. I would still wait until April at the earliest though.