Hello everyone, On the last foray I found these growing on a decayed fallen tree. The forest is primarily conifer (the same place I found the Peziza). Seems to me a kind of Lycoperdon.. but then I am no expert.. :)
Thank you Alok - you find the most interesting things! Would you give me an idea of the size, eg. is one of those projections roughly 2 inches long or? I'm musing over whether these are very immature fruiting bodies, just pinheads of what they will become, or if these are the mature structures. During a fungal survey project, we found something growing from the ground once that looked, at an apparently mature state, similar to this. We hmmm'd over it for quite awhile, but I believe in the end we decided it was an oddly-growing Clavariadelphus. It tasted like a Clavariadelphus too <grin>. I'll see if I can track down what our other candidates were. cheers, frog
Hi Frog The largest finger was definitely between 1 1/2 to 2 inches and was thicker than my little finger.. (@#$%!^&*.. forgot my measuring tape again) actually the base was beneath the bark but because of the growth the bark just came off..
Oops..! Sorry forgot to mention.. the dead tree it was growing upon is called Xylosma longifolia (saw the tree classification on www.flowersofindia.net).. I don't know if it helps..?? Also.. it had white fleshy inside Alok
How odd! I keep thinking if only I could see them in a few days they might develop into one of those "head-slapper" -- "Oh, of course!" mushrooms....but for the time being, I'm not really sure where to go with it. I doubt very much it's a puffball of any kind, but beyond that...?
Thanks for your reply Mycos.. I was planning to go there today but the weather dashed my hopes.. Even I am curious to know what it develops into.. will probably go there tomorrow.. but in case there is anything particular to look for please give me a hint so that I keep that in mind... Thanks again Alok
Hello Friends..!! :) Does the name 'Polyporus squamosus' or 'Dryad's saddle' strike a bell somewhere.... Alok
Re: Himalayan Lycoperdon - hopefully resolved.. :) Sorry could not upload photographs earlier due to bad connection, but here they are...!!!
Thank you, Frog, Mycos and Wick.. I am happy if I contributed a tiny bit of info which might come in use for someone... :) Alok