I have a gorgeouse hibiscus that's doing real well. The weird thing is, it's dripping water from some of its leaves. Is this common? My other one doesn't do it. I thought I was going nuts when my rug would be wet. I thought my ceiling was leaking. I found wet leaves and they're dripping water. I see no damage to the plant at all. Is this seasonal? I live in PA. I bought the plant in in September when the nights were getting chilly. It sits in front of a bright sunny window. Has anyone ever heard of this?
Thanks for the reply. I don't think the window is any hotter than where my other hibiscus is. THe windows face southeast. The hibiscus on our first floor doesn't do this. Maybe it is hotter upstairs. We haven't turned on heat in this room either. It's just really strange. I've had plants in this window before, tho none ever did this.
My banana does this after the first few waterings when I bring it in for the winter. It takes a while for it to get adjusted to the new warmer room. It has no negative effect on the plant. I think it may even help to keep the humidity higher on the leaves. I gauge the amount of water I supply by how much she "sweats". Once the leaves start dripping I ease back on the watering. Do you have cats? My crazy cat is mezmerised by the drips. He has even figured out that if he rubs up against the pot, it triggers the drops to fall! He pounces on the fallen drop and meows in frustration that it got away. He's a house cat and I guess the instinct to hunt is so overwhelming, he has to use his imagination!
Thanks so much for your reply. It does make sense. It's no doubt warmer in my upstairs room with this one in it than the downstairs room where the other plant is. The downstairs plant doesn't do it.