I have four Hibiscus plants three being well established in landscaping around the house I just bought, Spring Hill, Fl.,(sandy soil) in January. They have been blooming on a regular basis and I haven't done anything special as far as care....water occasionally about it. Now they've been getting buds on them but they fall off and before they bloom. The forth one I bought and planted and it's coming along OK (blooming). Any suggestions why the buds are falling off before they bloom on the other plants?
That is a common problem with hibiscus. There can be several causes. Here are some info pages that may help. http://collier.ifas.ufl.edu/CommHort/CommHortPubs/Bud%20Droppings%20Hibiscus.pdf http://jacksonville.com/tu-online/stories/071208/lif_302765322.shtml http://www.trop-hibiscus.com/bfertins.html