helping my grandbaby grow her cabbage. I NEED HELP HERE.

Discussion in 'Fruit and Vegetable Gardening' started by sunshine48, Mar 21, 2008.

  1. sunshine48

    sunshine48 Member

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    florence,sc u.s.a.

    My grandbaby brought home a cabbage plant from school. To grow and see who can grow the bigger cabbage head. i have contacted BONNIE PLANTS a couple times via emails, but no response.
    ( they supplied the transplants)
    The cabbage is in a bag of miracle gro potting soi, in my sunroom.
    It is growing very well, but occasional bad leaf will come on. it starts out beautiful, but then it will start getting brittle and dry towards the tip and gradualy the entire leaf is like this.
    i have put a water meter in it, but i am wondering if maybe the water isnt getting to the plant itself. i put a hole in the bag inthe end to water it. i felt down into the soil and its not wet, wet, bu it is moist.
    i am sorta scared that if i water it a lot, it may rot, but i cant figure out whats the problem with the leaf.
    and how soon does it start to bloom or get a cabbage head on it.
    its only about a foot tall, bu has about 12 leaves on it.
    oh, should i remove the damaged leaves.

    help. i dont want her plant to die at my hands. lol
    thanks anyone.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 23, 2008
  2. saltcedar

    saltcedar Rising Contributor 10 Years

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    Austin, Tx
    Cabbage needs full sun and frequent feeding in a container.
    Needs to go outside (it's frost resistant) ASAP.

  3. sunshine48

    sunshine48 Member

    Likes Received:
    florence,sc u.s.a.
    when you say in a container and frequent feeding, what do you mean?
    i dont want the worms to eat it up,
    wonder if i co0uld take it outside in the daytime and bring it into the sunroom during night.
    i figured since theres a sunroof in the rooom and many windows it was getting enough sun.
    but i dont have much plant
    i have 100 strawberry plants stil in the plastic bag trying to figure out how to do them.
    i am horrified of earthworms, but then i am horrifie of anything that crawls. lol
    but i do so appreciate your advice.
    so you dont recommend the in bag of miracle gro thing?
    i had heard that wa a great way to grow tomatoes if you didnt have ample yard space, but guess everythig needs outdoors.
    i am in south carolina so its just turnng spring here.
    email me.
    that saves time. lol
    thanks again.
    kate (sunshine48)
  4. saltcedar

    saltcedar Rising Contributor 10 Years

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    Austin, Tx
    Just give the potting mix a half strength liquid fertilizer every week or ten days.
    Bugs are part of the price we pay to grow things outdoors. I've found Neem Oil
    (a natural product) that's effective on most creepy crawlies in the garden.

    Good luck
  5. sunshine48

    sunshine48 Member

    Likes Received:
    florence,sc u.s.a.
    thank you for coming to my aid.
    i havent put the cabbage in a container yet, its still in the bag of miracle gro soil. but each day i take it outside and let it get sun. and bring it back inside. hopefully that will work. i am sorta scared that if i transplant it, it will just die.
    are the leaves on a young cabbage plant supposed to be a light, sorta faded green.
    or dark green
    will touching the leaves cause the leaf to die?
    should i pinch the damaged leaves off,will it grow a new leaf in the pinched place?
    do you think it would be better to plant it outside and take a chance on the worms?
    thank you for yur time and help.
  6. saltcedar

    saltcedar Rising Contributor 10 Years

    Likes Received:
    Austin, Tx
    Cabbage should be gray-green. Touching the leaves will remove the "bloom" but
    won't otherwise hurt them. Pinched off damaged leaves will only be replaced by
    new leaves at the top of the plant. Your plant is getting leggy (bare stemmed) from
    being indoors. It won't recover until it's exposed to higher light and lower night
    temperatures outside. There's no getting around planting outside.


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