Since I've been sitting around for the last few months, I have noticed that I don't have a decent book on succulents,the small rockery type things. leaning more to the seedum and hen & chicks. Kalanchoe, aloe, and the big stuff is not really of interest. Does anyone have any good ideas? barb
Haven't read it but suspect this one is probably pretty good.
Funny, Barbara! Before reading Ron's suggestion, that was the SAME book that came to my mind. :) (Hardy Succulents) I recently purchased it, so haven't had a chance to read it yet. I did peruse it quickly. It has a section on Sempervivum (hen and chicks), as well as one on Sedum. It has many other cacti & succulent plants in it...but all are geared toward being tough plants for many climates. The photography by Saxon Holt is GORGEOUS (one reason I bought it) & I've read that Gwen Kelaidis is a fine author. The jacket cover states she "is one of the foremost experts on rock gardening in the United States". Actually, this is probably a better book for your climate than for mine. :)