My Calathea Whitestars leaves are going yellow and I dont know why!! I am watering it with rainwater, it isnt in direct sunlight, I mist it frequently and there are no signs of bugs/insects!!
Can you give some more information about the history of this plant? How long you have owned it? Was it always in that specific place? I suspect, that it gets not enough sunlight, as the darkest season of the year has begun. I think you should move this plant closer to the window for dark seasons. Calathea plants need bright indirect sunlight to grow.
I have only had for maybe a month at the most. I got it from an online plant shop. It was moved from the front room to my bedroom about 3 weeks ago. Will try moving it somewhere brighter.
I don't know if this kind of plant ever gets them but if it were mine the first thing I would do is look at the discolored leaf with a magnifier, to see if it has mites.
While I don't disagree with the other advice given, I just want to mention that your plant will always lose old leaves and get new leaves. The two problem leaves I see are the largest, maybe the oldest. I would cut off the damaged leaves at the base of the stem (and check them for bugs on the back, as Ron B suggested). What do people think about the size of the pot? You could pull the plant out of the pot and see if it is root bound - all roots and very little soil. If so, look for advice on repotting a root bound plant. Related to the question about holes at the bottom, is it planted directly into the pot we see, or is that just a decorative container (jardinière)? If a jardinière, make sure after you water the plant that there is not water sitting in the bottom of the jardinière.
If your plant was brought recently, then this could possibly be a shock from the environment change. Another possibility is, that you maybe water this plant too frequently. Let the top inch of the potting soil dry between waterings. The plant needs less water during the colder period.
Wow thanks for all the responses. So, this is just the decorative pot the pot it is planted into has drainage holes. I have repotted from the pot it arrived in. I will check today for the roots. If this doesn't seem to be the issue then I will cut the leaves off and check for mites I have had a look for this already but will make a closer inspection today. I will also keep monitoring when I am watering too.