I have a beautiful angel wing begonia. It has been a very healthy plant and has grown like wild fire since I plated it from a clipping two years ago. However, in the last month it has started to fall apart. The leaves are becoming discolored and are dropping off the plant at a rate of at least 5 everyday. The plant get sunlight all day and is keep watered. Is it a possibility that I'ts overwatered. I did transplant it to a bigger pot about 4 four months ago. I love this plant. Anyone know who I can save it? Thanks.
Is it getting a lot of sunlight??? (direct). Begonia are filtered light plants as far as I remember also soil needs to be damp but not soggy . Rich fast draining. Have a look at this http://www.ehow.com/how_172078_grow-angel-wing.html Liz
Mine were doing the same thing and after trying a few things I realized they were getting too much light. They are in an area now that is bright but no direct sun and all of mine are growing like crazy again.