I have 2 different types of Dieffenbachia plants that are yellowing. The bottom leaves are turning yellow. One of them is a Camille and the other is a Triumph I believe. I don't want to lose these plants. They are inside a bright room but not in direct light. Also, I've only watered when the top soil is dry to about an inch down. I have other Dieffs also and don't want to lose those either. I have a very large Marianne and a Tropic Snow that used to be over 5' but is now about 2'.
Not to worry that is typical of deiffenbachia, mine just lost a few too and the rest of the plant is fine, they are quite easy to grow. Do you have active healthy growth? If so I would fertilize at 1/4 strength each watering. Could it be time to repot? If so use a light growing medium such as promix potting soilless mix. Janet
I would pick off those yellow leaves and repot into 1 size larger pot, it looks like a large plant for the pot it is in. Janet