Hello all! I'm very new to gardening and I'd like to know what I'm suppose to do when the flowers of my tuplis and crocuses are over. Where do I cut? Do I have to dig them out in the fall? If so, where do I put them until spring? I've searched the board for some answer but couldn't find any. Annie ;-) 5b in Canada
Hi Annie, I'm thinking that your tulips and crocus are planted in the ground. If so, just remove the flower stem and let the leaves turn yellow before you remove them. Those leaves will feed the bulbs for next years bloom. You should find this helpful. http://www.extension.umn.edu/projects/yardandgarden/AAMG/bulbs/HardyBulbCareAfterBloom.html Some tulips don't return every year and some do, depending on which ones you planted. Newt
thanks Newt! It helps!!!! They are not planted in the ground yet, because we have not finished with the landcaping yet. They are inside in a pot!
You are so very welcome!! It sounds like these were purchased in a pot for spring bloom only. If so, don't be discouraged if they don't return next year or you just get leaves the first year or two. When you plant them in the ground be sure to add about 3" of compost to the planting bed and mix it in. The bulbs will love you for it. Keep in mind that most spring bulbs come from regions that have dry summers so you don't need to water them once you've planted and watered once. You should find this helpful. http://www.urbanext.uiuc.edu/bulbs/planting.html Newt
Newt!!! thanks! I have bookmarked the two links and will reread them as soon as my flower beds are ready... which is not soon enough for my taste!! ;-)