HELP!! I have a pink tropical hibiscus topiary that bloomed 7-8 blooms at a time from the time I repotted it in April. It has not had a single bloom on it in 2 weeks!! The leaves are nice and dark green, it is getting plenty of water and putting on new leaves, but NO BLOOMS!! What am I doing wrong?? I have 2 yellow hibiscus that are blooming like crazy and the pink one is doing nothing! The only thing I can think of is the yellow ones get 6 hours of sunlight daily and the pink one is getting only about 2-3 hours. Could this difference in sunlight be it? Any advice is greatly appreciated, I am new to growing these and dont know a lot about them. Thanks!
Hey AmandaCW, I think you answered your own question. Hibiscus really like bright light. I don't think 2-3 hours per day would be enough light to maintain blooming. Try giving them more light like the yellow ones.
Amanda: Your hibiscus really wants full sun to sun dappled high shade. The more light, the better, as regards blooming.