these are my boyfriends plants. we were trying to figure out what they were and how to care for them. need advice
the one farthest to the left is a schefflera, the one in the middle is a yucca, and im not sure what the third one is. they all need more light than they are getting and they should be kept moist at all times, but not soggy. maybe take them out of their pots to see if they are rootbound, and try giving them some ferilizer.
The third one could be Euphorbia leuconeura, Madagascar Jewel. Contrast with Euphorbia lophogona, Randramboay.
I have a water plant that i keep my beta fish in. when i got the plant it had white flowers but died and havent come back. Is there a way to get them grow back?
That plant is a spathyphyllum, and the best way is to give it more fertilizer, but in order to do that you will need to plant it in soil.
Rima ... this is a Botanical forum ... not a fish forum .. there question was regarding the plant ... not the fish .. if you want to ask questions about fish Tropical Resources is a great place... I have 13 fish tanks and love fish . and have given and recieved alot of good info at TR :) allthough i disagree about keeping Betas in a bowl and gold fish .. alot of people keep good care of them in the bowls.. and know what they are doing .. Marn
I agree that the plant on the right is Euphorbia leuconeura. It is one plant that doesn't like to be kept wet. Let it dry right out before watering again. Also, it has a very small root ball so is happy in a small pot. As it grows it does tend to get top heavy so will need to be propped against a wall. It will survive in very low light but grows faster in bright light. However it is easily burned by hot sun.