Help with sick maple

Discussion in 'Maples' started by Mollie Little, Jun 24, 2007.

  1. Mollie Little

    Mollie Little Member

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    Ferndale Michigan USA
    Approx. 2 yrs ago I planted hostas around the base of my maple tree. I fear that I caused root damage, because it has slowly started loosing bark and the leaves are wilted. I recently moved those hostas further out from the base, to see if that would help. It is relatively young and approx. 30' tall. Does anyone have any suggestions? -See photos attached

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  2. whis4ey

    whis4ey Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Northern Ireland
    I would venture to say that the damage to your tree has got nothing at all to do with your hostas per se
  3. Mollie Little

    Mollie Little Member

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    Ferndale Michigan USA
    Would there be anything that I can do to help it recover? For example: trimming smaller branches off, using tree fertilizer spikes, covering bark on the trunk with something?
    Thanks for your assistance!
  4. whis4ey

    whis4ey Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Northern Ireland
    Mollie ... I think something is nibbling at or sharpening their claws on your tree
  5. Michael F

    Michael F Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Britain zone 8/9
    The tree looks healthy to me - it is just the outer bark that is coming off, the inner bark (the live part of the bark that matters to the tree's health) is undamaged. I'd agree with Whis4ey that it is probably animals; maybe birds looking for food under the loose outer bark.

    The maple is a Norway Maple - not unfortunately the best to have, as it is listed as an invasive alien in your area, and also has something of a reputation for brittle branches (though nowhere near as bad as Silver Maple).
  6. Mollie Little

    Mollie Little Member

    Likes Received:
    Ferndale Michigan USA
    Thank you Michael for your comments! Maybe it's not as dire as I thought. Knowing its a Norway maple helps too.
  7. blake

    blake Active Member 10 Years

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    Dallas, Texas USA (8a)
    I agree with the comments above. You should investigate the wounds for insects. Generally speaking if there are insects there could some weakness in the tree that attracted them and potentially you have a bigger problem.

    Additionally, it's tough to tell from the photos but it looks like your tree is planted too deeply in the ground. If the root flare is not exposed you should consider doing so. This will greatly enhance the long-term health of the tree.
  8. Mollie Little

    Mollie Little Member

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    Ferndale Michigan USA
    Blake - I'll check for insects, but hadn't noticed anything previously. When the hostas were planted, I had added mounded dirt over the base of the trunk area. So, I'll make sure that the root flare is exposed.
    Thank you for your assistance!
  9. Active Member Maple Society

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    Piedmont Virginia
    Why take chances just shoot it with Phyton, a good pump up sprayer should reach the top of this tree, maples and roads don't mix well either, as the roots are top layering and that cement with it's high alkaline content can set up a bad pH balance thing. Oh I see nice green well watered grass with those chemical fertilizers, that will do a number too. Grass should not grow under a tree that size. Loss those hostas or pull them back two feet from the base of the tree, they are holding too much moister against it, they look very well watered. Take what you want and leave the rest it is just my opinion and it is just that just an opinion not based in fact.
  10. emery

    emery Renowned Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Normandie, France
    This phyton-27 stuff claims to be effective against verticillium and pseudomonas. Does anyone have any evidence to back these claims? If so what is the active ingredient? Would be interested in trying it...

    Mollie, my opinion is that neither the grass nor hostas are doing anything. This is a tough maple and well established. The mounding was wrong but not connected to the bark issues, I agree with others that the cause is probably "mechanical."

  11. alex66

    alex66 Rising Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    ROME Italy zone9/b
    for me Hosta are innocent , the maple have a good health ,how M.F. reply for me is one animal(mouse ,cip ciop,dog,cat ,man crazy).of course if you near the bark tree "listen"fungii odour sorry your maple is death for more water and bad dreinage ....
  12. Active Member Maple Society

    Likes Received:
    Piedmont Virginia
    As I have contemplated on your tree problem I remembered that I have seen these very marking in Richmond as well, the culprit is always that stuff called the dog pee, they will pick a tree and every dog that walks by it has to hose it as well, and then the next thing you know you have a tree that's dead looken right back at ya. OK this is what you do, pull some of that bark take it to your local Michigan State Extension Service and then they will send it to the pathology department, you should then have an answer, also they will want a soil sample as well right get one below the dog markings. It looks like the hostas are none the worst for it, so therefor you have a need for the pathology report. The tree needs to be pruned and shaped up as well or you will have more problems in the future. Have your neighbor with the dog come over and take a good sniff under those hostas, tell them to get much lower if they don't smell it anything at fist : [ I just love dogs don't y'all, especially when they run all threw my hostas and then then they stop right in the middle of the bed and then they start doing their, lets tear of the hosta dance. I still say the hosta are too tight on that tree, how about some smaller ones, like maybe Hosta longipes Aurea. I know I am going to get in trouble for this post too, you can take the red neck out of the country but you can't change the color of his neck, so for all you educated college boys Phyton 27 is the best you have my red neck word on it, and if I hear another word about it well I will have to drive my tractor across the pond and run y'all down, ya hear and I didn't vote for President B either or is it ither .

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