leaves on my plant keep getting dark in colour (black ) and dropping in great numbers. was wondering if any one knows what is causing that to happen. any help is appreciated. thanks
What kind of plant is it? Is it in a pot, or in the soil? Was it outdoors? Did it get frozen or frost-affected? We need more information, because there are a lot of different things that can cause leaves to turn black and fall off, and some of them are specific to certain types of plants. Can you post us a picture?
The Plant has always been inside, the change in the plant started about 3 weeks ago but lately the leaves are dropping more often than before. don't know the name of the plant.
It´s a Schefflera. If you´re only noticing leaf drop on lower branches don´t worry - that´s a natural process.
the dropping of the leaves are happening all over the plant...It starts as little brown spots the within a day or two the leaf would turn black and drop.