Hello, Does anyone recognize this plant? I was surprised to see it flowering, but have never seen this flower before. Thanks in advance. Zandoli.
That's it. Thank you so much. The flower is not fully opened so there are no petals yet, but I'll watching closely. Thanks again. Z.
yes, hoya carnosa. they can take a while to bloom and, if the conditions aren't quite right, they won't. once the flowers have died off (they last about a week or so), leave the penducle there because it will set buds again and again. sometimes the buds 'blast' which means they start growing and then just don't continue. i've had some blast right before the flowers were ready to open and i've had some on the same penducle blast while others didn't. i'm still pretty new with hoya, so, still learning. one thing i did learn is not do anything like watering or moving it once you see the buds forming on the pendacle and to leave the plant be until the flowers are in full bloom.
Thank you Joclyn, I knew absolutley nothing about it. An aquaintance gave me a two-leaved cutting a few years ago, and I have not done anything with it besides water it every now and then. But now I know considerably more. Thanks again. Zandoli