Hello! I've joined this forum 'cause I need some help with a couple of pine cones I picked from a tree a while ago. They look like small roses, but I don't believe they're from a Deodara tree. The tree is quite small and I got the cones attached to the branch, so they're not broken parts of a bigger cone. I've found them near Middleton, in the summer. Can you take a look at them and help me? I'm planning on making some jewelry with those, so I'd love to know where to find some more - and when. ^^ Thanks in advance!
They're actually larch cones, not pine cones - to be exact, from a Japanese Larch Larix kaempferi. This species is widely grown in forestry plantations in Britain, they are easy to pick out at this time of year as (unlike most conifers) they are deciduous, with bright yellow autumn colous at the moment. Later into the winter, they are easily recognised by their pink-brown winter shoots.
Oh! Many thanks, Michael! It's such a nice tree, those cones just caught my eye 'cause they're pretty different... so was the tree (I could even reach it! hehe). I'll try and return there to see if I can get some more, hope they're not grown now and out of shape. Nice to know I don't need to rush then. :)