I'm having real trouble getting my peace lily to bloom. It hasn't for about a year, and I've tried everything I can think of. Moved it from aritificial to natural light etc. It became rootbound and was repotted, thriving leaves but no blooms! It's such a frustration! I'm desperate to see those lovely flowers! Any suggestions?
Mine didn't bloom for over 10 yrs and then BOOM! It decided to flower one day and I didn't do anything different when it happened. Peace lilies are sporadic bloomers and like being on the root-bound side, so if you just re-potted yours to a larger pot, it can delay blooming. Give it good bright indirect light, keep the soil on the moist side and fertilize it now and then. If you have more than one plant in the pot, sometimes separating them into individual smaller pots will help promote flowering.