Hello Y'all! I am a newbie in the world of plants. Never actually thought that I will ever grow a plant, but here I am. Very happy to be here though. Anyways I was growing this small money plant and recently the leading stalk or the main stalk where the leaves sprouts was cut. I waited for like 4 days and there are no changes and the plant is not growing anymore. You can see the condition of the plant (in the added photo) and the cut edge where the plant stopped growing. I am sure you botanists have the answer on how to make the plant grow from that stalk again. Could you please share it with me? Thanks a bunch.
This will initiate regrowth from a bud (or I suppose bud-like tissue) somewhere below the cut, there's nothing to worry about.
Four days is not enough time to wait. Maybe a few weeks? As long as it doesn't die, it should eventually send out some new growth. Me, I would cut it back after the 4th leaf (4th from the soil), then cut the separated part in half, making very sure to note which end is the lower end of both pieces (!). Make the cuts just under a leaf. Remove that bottom leaf and push the stem into that same pot, so the three plants are kind of equidistant. Water the pot after you do that, but then feel how heavy it is when you water it, and don't water it again until it is lighter than that. The new cuttings might die, or they might live and give you a fuller plant. Eventually, there will be new growth. But in weeks, not days. Actually, I don't know how long before these start growing, but it's different for different plants. The new cuttings might be droopy at first. I always give them a chance until they're outright dead.
Thank you lovely people! I guess, I just panicked. Maybe I can already see a small bud, as in the photo.. :-) Will definitely cut and proliferate them! Have a wonderful day!