Help with identifying trees and problems.

Discussion in 'Fruit and Nut Trees' started by OregonTRX4, May 27, 2013.

  1. OregonTRX4

    OregonTRX4 New Member

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    Oregon Coast
    Hello all, I am new here. I bought this house a few years ago and have six trees. Left to right they are an apple, plum, unknown, pair, unknown, and pair.
    The apple and pair trees do great and produce lots of fruit each year. The plum does okay and only produces around 20 pieces of fruit annually. The two unknown trees have never produced anything and appear quite sickly. The often get leafs and then they die. Many of the limbs have started to die and rot on them. I know next to nothing about trees and dont know what to do that might help them. The two unknowns are the same type of tree.
    Damage leafs on plum tree.
    Leafs on one of the unknowns.
    An unknown.
    An unknown to the left of the pair tree.

    Thanks for any input you may have. Sorry for the poor photos but it is rather wet out.
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Note it's pear and not "pair". For orchard fruit issues you might want to try Oregon Cooperative Extension Service.
  3. OregonTRX4

    OregonTRX4 New Member

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    Oregon Coast
    Ah yes silly me.

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