Please help me! What is this cactus/ succulent? I've had it for 3 years and it's about 4feet tall now and is suddenly loosing its leaves and the new leaves are wilted. I repotted it and that did not help. Any advice and its identification would be great! Thanks.
This looks like a Pereskia, a primitive cactus that grows as a leafy shrub. If you've had it 3 years I'm not sure why the sudden decline. I'd repot it and check the roots. In general it is not very drought tolerant during spring and summer, preferring a moist soil never drying out completely.
Thanks for the ID. I'll have to look up some pictures. This morning I ran a lot of water through the soil thinking that maybe there are a lot of minerals deposited from watering with tap water. Hopefully that helps. This is my husbands and my favorite plant.