I have had this Cactus for probably 8 or more years, it was quite small when I got it. I don’t know what it is so an ID would be great, but more importantly is how can I bring it back to life. It keeps growing taller, and does get new buds, however I can tell it's not happy. I would like to strengthen the stem so it can handle the weight. I thought the stem when it was turning to what looks like bark was a good thing (strong like tree! haha) but now I’m not so sure. I have it inside for winter; out on patio for summer, I often spray it with soapy water on the stems to rid it of bugs/spiders. I was pruning new growth away last year hoping it would bulk up, this year I havnt done anything with it and wanted advice befor I tried anything/pruned it etc. But honestly, I have no idea what I’m doing, or what I should be doing with it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :)
It looks like a variety of Nopal or Prickly pear cactus. It needs lots of warm dry conditions, having said that you can chop off some of the drooping "Leaves" and plant them in a moist compost, keep them warm and they will soon put down roots. It needs time to thicken out and you need to ensure that the pot has plenty of depth so that the roots can go down far enough to support the tree. They can grow well above 10 feet in height. and spread out to a bush depending on variety. They will tolerate desert colds but not damp. Once established tou can almost ignore it when it comes to watering and then the "leaves" will stop drooping. Next time you do water though give it a feed of cactus solution that you can get from most garden centres, just to help it stay healthy. Nath
That could be a Brasiliopuntia brasiliensis. How often do you repot it? What kind of soil? Is it placed in a sunny spot in summer?
o you have the cactus in a very sunny bright window? Our damp climate (high humidity) will cause the plant to suffer and may succumb to meal bug or fungus. Oliver summers are fine for outdoor summer cacti, there is even a native but very prickly cactus in the low valley.
Thanks for the responses, I have the cactus in a bright spot during the summer and I live in Surrey BC Canada, it may get damp when it rains during the summer but not wet, during the winter it is inside by a window with no draft and kept warm. Also as I mentioned it does get buds that grow but as it gets taller but it has a hard time to holding the weight, as you may see I have a stick helping with weight, I have straps loosely around it so it can lean on them for support. I wasn’t sure if Cacti were like some other plants where you prune the buds and then the stalk might bulk up? I did that last summer and I don't think it made much of a difference, I could try it again. I once was told that cacti like a small growing area and that I should use a small pot, so that is what I have done, but it makes sense that a deep/bigger pot would have more root area in order to hold the weight. I will re-pot it this week if you think it’s a good idea. I have cactus soil from local garden center. I believe I did change the soil about 2 years ago but kept the same pot. Is the bark like appearance normal, I thought it was but a friend of mine came over the other day and said it’s not and she said she thought it might be dying and I should ask for some help and suggested this site. Thanks again for your responses and any help is appreciated.
Hi, the bark browning is an age occurrance... you will see this in desert/arid Arizona. Confined potting is fine, if the growth is leggy then your cactus is searching upward for light... et you state it has brilliant direct light all year? I am equally perplexed.
If it is in a north facing window, the sunshine may not be intense enough or bright enough? That'd be my first guess.
Put it right dab smack in the middle of your front lawn! Or the back if you don't trust you neighbors...