I wanted to know if my cactus could be recovered? I believe I've over watered the plant and it was turning brown. In the past few weeks I've trimmed iff the rotted material, but it still seems to have no effect. In addition, would the plant need more soil? The reason why I ask is the root ball seems exposed too much.
Looks as if it has rotted from the base. Where were the rotted parts located? Are you sure the central stem is ok? I cannot see the rootball, but it is supposed to be below soil level.
It was rotted from the base, I wasn't sure if the rootball was rotted as well. Should I yry digging it up and removing any more excees rotted material from the bottom? I could take a better picture later on when I'm out if work. It was hard to see what was actually brown underneath. I'll update later on, and if the soil line is too low, I'll add more. I appreciate the input on this matter.
The above pictures show the status of my cactus, any help in aiding with the recovery is greatly appreciated! Thanks!
I cannot see any roots, so I think there is enough soil. When a plant has rotted from the base it can only be saved by taking healty cuttings (no discolouration on cut surfaces) and rooting them.
So, I shiuld cut the cactus and replant? I'm sorry, I'm new to growing cactus's, it was given to me bu my mother. It was green when she had given it to me, but I overwatered the plant, and I would like to save it, if it's possible. Thanks
Yes, find some of the bigger stems far from the rotting parts, cut and inspect the cut areas. There must be no brown, black or red stains, if so it means that the rot has already spread to that part. Let dry/heal for a few weeks and place the cutting on top of the soil in a pot. Do not water it until roots appear. (There are lots of more detailed descriptions of how to do this on the Internet). Are the two plants of the same type? If so I would not bother with a rescue operation, rooting cacti is trickier than rooting "normal" plants.
I believe they're two different species in the same plant. I appreciate the help, and I'll check the web for information regarding cacti cutting. Thank you!
This is an updated photo, I trimmed back the dead part of the plant and this shows the stem near the base it appears to be affected. Is there any hope on saving this cactus? Thanks
I doubt it. It can no longer supply water to the upper stems, which means that base and/or roots are destroyed. That base does not look good. I am not 100% sure but it suspect the soft parts have rotted but the wood still remains.
cut all non discolored cactus stems 2 inches away from the rot, then let is callus for about three days minimum depending on the size of the cut. place it in slightly moist sandy, grainy, soil and do not water until signs of root growth appears