Help with Dracaena

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by Sunny93, Nov 5, 2020.

  1. Sunny93

    Sunny93 New Member

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    20201105_200638.jpg 20201105_200643.jpg 20201105_200626.jpg 20201105_200619.jpg I just picked up a Dracaena Marginata that was on the street and brought it home to see if I can save it, however I am pretty new at plant care so I dont know if its beyond saving or not. Its a pretty tall plant, and it has 4 stems sticking out of the main trunk, the trunk is looking good and firm, but the tips of 3 of the stems are brown, seems like rotted and lost all the leaves, one of them seems to alredy been cutted and has 4 sad but still green leaves and its pretty firm, the other 3 rotten ones are a little soft. I still need to inspect the roots wich i will do tomorrow morning as its pretty late right now, but seeing that the main trunk is firm and the soil is completly dry it doesnt concern me too much. I dont know if I should cut the brown parts of the stems, or what to do, or the whole thing is beyond saving, what do you think?
  2. Margot

    Margot Renowned Contributor 10 Years

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    Nanoose Bay, BC Canada
    I don't think your Dracaena is beyond saving. If it were mine, I would cut an inch or two off each of the stems except perhaps the one with several leaves. Give it a thorough watering and make sure the water has a chance to drain completely and that it isn't standing in a tray with water in the bottom. Don't water again until the top inch or so of soil feels dry. Within a few weeks, you should start seeing new shoots begin to form along the stems. Good for you to give this plant a new lease on life - I think you will be well rewarded.
    Sunny93 likes this.
  3. Sunny93

    Sunny93 New Member

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    Thank you for the tips, I just started to get into plants a month or so ago, and I have a few indoor plants in their baby stage, one of them being a Dracaena Marginata that was alredy in the new flat Im in now, and it was also poorly taken care of, in the balcony in direct sun, in a pot with no drainage and so root bound that it wasnt even much soil in it, and it has a few burnt leaves, so I took it inside and repotted it, and its looking good now, and when I saw this one next to a trash bin like someone gave up on it, I couldnt resist taking it home to see if it was possible to save it too, so I will follow your tips and see if it gets better, thank you so much :)

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