Help with dieffenbachia; Camille

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by ACL301, Apr 4, 2007.

  1. ACL301

    ACL301 Member

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    Provo, United States
    I think my plant is having trouble, but I am not sure if it is bugs. I just watered it today; put it in a bowl of water (we don't do this often), so it could take as much water as it needed, and when I took it out the soil had white stuff on it and I could have sworn I saw a bug in it. What is that white stuff? (Just on the soil, not the plant), and i am not sure even if I saw a bug, it was very, very, very small and greyish-white. Could the white stuff have been from overwatering. This is my first time taking care of dieffenbachia and I just need to know if what I am doing is wrong. Anyone know what it is or what I should do about it? If so that would be very good.
  2. Rima

    Rima Active Member

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    Eastern Canada
    Could have even just been a piece of perlite that floated up, but if it moved on its own then it's a bug. However, if you are keeping the soil wet all the time, not letting ~ an inch at least dry out between waterings, and have little grit of any kind in the soil for faster drainage, you may have mealy bug or another similar fungus like problem and should repot.

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