Hello, I collected this Russula in a fir forest in Greece. It has a beige and brown cap to 12 cm diameter, white gills more or less crowded that turn dark slowly where pressed, white stipe. Cap skin peels 1/3 or less from center. Cap flesh when cut turns a little salmon then greyish. It has some similarities to R. nigricans, although it is different. Any help is appreciated! Many thanks, dion
I was recently given some hints on telling nigricans-type Russulas apart in the region I live in. One of the clues was whether it turns black immediately when cut, or if it turns red first then black. Although the Russulas in my region are likely different from the ones in your region, if you access a local Russula key, I would look for that character specifically. cheers, frog
Russula is hard to get to species anywhere - all we can say is that yours is in the nigricans group. And here, some members of that group are considered poisonous.
Thank you very much for your help. I remember nigricans as a larger, dense-fleshed mushroom, this seems to be a more delicate member of the group. I agree that it is a difficult genus to get to the species, but I will give it a try. I am trying to post to a local forum, and ask for their opinion too. Cheers, dion