Hi I purchased a regular store botten Palm. I am having trouble with the tips going brown. I have been trimming them. Is that the right thing to do?????????? Can you help me with this problem??? May thanks Vibe_s
Brown tips, for me anyway, usually mean only 2 things: too much water fertilizer burn It would help to know what type of palm it is, or show a photo of the damage
I agree with bihai, but add to the list sunburn. Sometimes new palms that I buy might say full sun, but they have been grown in part shade or full shade. When I plant them in the garden in full sun, they sometimes start to burn. This has been happening with one of my red Dypsis. Plus it may take them a while to adjust to their new position... Ed
HELLO I have sent 2 pictures not sure if they went through. Please let me know if you receive them. Thanks so much for your help vibe_s
It does look like an areca palm. If you are not overwatering it, then I agree, low humidity may be the culprit. Try misting it frequently (3-5 times a day) with a spray bottle of water, or running a cool mist humidifier in that room near it. I keep an areca indoors under a bank of skylights where it gets a lot of light, and water it 2x a week, Tuesday and Friday. I may have a photo somewhere.