Identification: Help - What is it?

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by reneemitt, Mar 24, 2009.

  1. reneemitt

    reneemitt Member

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    Omaha, NE USA
    I've had this plant for somewhere around 5 years now, can't remember what it is and am not really a plant person...

    It seems to be running out of room in its pot though, can I split it and what is it? Whatever it is, it seems to like my desk at the office just fine and seems to survive well on the occasional water and cold coffee every couple of days (in fact, I really think it likes cold coffee the best!).

    Sorry for the poor quality of picture, I took it on my cell phone but hopefully it is enough to help identify it?

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  2. Laticauda

    Laticauda Active Member

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    Oklahoma, US
    It's a golden pothos. Epipremnum aureum. Mine was mostly green like that too, until I moved it to a sunnier location, then it developed more yellow on the new leaves. You can split it, or repot it into a size larger pot, or you can give it something to climb to keep the foliage out of the pot. They can grow very long in a relatively small pot. If it is root bound, then repot it into something bigger, or split it. You can also take cuttings (prune the crap out of it) to promote new, bushier growth. Then you can plant the cuttings in soil (or just push them into the pot you are currently using) and it will take root as long as it's kept moist (not soggy.)
  3. reneemitt

    reneemitt Member

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    Omaha, NE USA
    Thank you for your help!

    I am starting to get concerned because although it is growing very well, it seems like the level of dirt is lower than it once was when I potted it in the current pot 2 years ago. I think it just might need to be split into 2 pots so it has more room. Does that make any sense?
  4. Bluewing

    Bluewing Well-Known Member

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    Upstate NY
    This is mine (8" pot) (Epipremnum aureum 'Marble Queen') with white variegation. It's in a west window where ot gets bright indirect light, some sun and some dapple as the sun moves across the sky. Trees help shade any really strong light.
    I don't give the roots a lot of room, just about an inch or so between the root-ball and inside of the pot, but if the soil on yours hasn't been changed in the last couple of yrs, you might want to change the soil if nothing else.
    I keep trimming back long vines which help keep the plant looking more full and bushy.
    You can start new plants with the trimmings, or grow them in water, or, root a few back into the same pot if it's thinning at all.

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    Last edited: Mar 24, 2009
  5. joclyn

    joclyn Rising Contributor

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    philly, pa, usa 6b
    all plants kept in pots should be repotted every couple give the roots some more room to grow - either by using a larger container or splitting the plant into two - as well as to refresh the soil.

    sounds like yours desperately needs new soil if the level has gone down over time (and that will happen as the roots overtake the container and the soil is used up/washed out of the drain holes).

    they are okay as trailing plants...they DO do better, though, if you put some kind of support there - trellis, piece of bark wood, moss totem, etc. and a bit of dappled light may cause it to variegate...i think there are some varieties that stay always stay green though.

    if you put a support in there, don't be surprised if the leaves start to morph into a different shape! what you have, atm, is a juvenile plant...if/when it matures to 'adult' it'll change and look like it's a totally different plant in the pot!

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