HELP!! Trying to save my baby Corn plant.

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by Hannah, Jan 6, 2024.

  1. Hannah

    Hannah New Member

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    HELP!! Trying to save my baby Corn plant. I repotted 1 week ago. Pot is a drainage hole pot.

    This is my baby and would absolutely want to revive. Normally only water once a month. Bright indirect light. The plant was doing amazing until I repotted it. But the reason I repotted is because my dog (Mastiff) knocked it over and the stalks came undone. Thinking maybe I over watered it after repotted so I took out the plant and let it damp roots air dry? Moved the plant closer to mantle so the dog can't knock over when he's playing. Repotted and New soil has vermiculite, miracle grow moisture control, 2-miracle grow food sticks. I even put decoration rocks on top. I was so proud and then to see this. Appreciation would help.

    Also recommendations on soil because I want to repot as soon as I get advice. I am going to be taking the brown leaves off as well. Thanks so much

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  2. vitog

    vitog Contributor 10 Years

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    Burnaby, Canada
    This looks like the result of excess moisture in the soil. I read about Miracle-Gro Moisture Control potting mix and discovered that it has sphagnum peat moss, coir, and some water-absorbing chemical. This seems excessive for a plant that doesn't like wet roots. I've been growing a single stem Dracaena fragrans for over twenty years by ignoring any schedule and watering only when I think of it and the soil feels dry. It has been growing well the whole time and has been shortened and repotted twice by cutting most of the stem and roots off and planting the top part.

    I also would not trust any Miracle-Gro product since I bought a bag of their regular potting mix in spring, 2022, and found that nothing would grow in it. I would repot your plant in some other regular potting soil (I use Pro Mix) and not add fertilizer until you see normal new growth. And never water until the soil feels dry.

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