Hello my 15 year old Dracaena got over watered by my children and the stem seems to be rotted. Now, the plant drooped and I was able to cut the top half, which seems to be hanging on for dear life. I have put these clippings in water before and they die without giving root. I placed the top half in dirt and is the last stem of the plant and don't want it to die. So I am wondering can these plants survive if I dip it directly into the dirt or do I have to dip it into a root generator? It is a small plant as I kept it about 2 feet high but have had it for 15 years and would like to save it, any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Normally, cuttings of these plants can go directly into soil, and right away, not into water first, which I was told develops different roots than what is needed in soil. Someone else needs to say whether with this cutting, that already may be compromised, whether rooting hormone would help or would not be good. I have never used it.
I've planted the cut off top of my Dracaena fragrans twice and repotted it directly into soil, using rooting hormone, on two occasions; and it developed roots without any leaf damage. It took 2 or 3 months to start growing again.