Help Save LimeTree

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by Limetree, May 5, 2015.

  1. Limetree

    Limetree New Member

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    Vancouver, Canada
    Hello! I watched a videoclip on a lime tree bonzaii, and felt inspired into keeping my lime tree small.

    I cut all branches a couple months ago, (start of spring), hoping I would strengthen the trunk.

    I heard lime trees are dormant or not active in temperatures under 13 degrees, therefore I am unsure if for this reason it has not grown any new branches, or maybe it hasn't received enough sun. I leave it out on sunny days, but I am worried it may have frozen because the tree has no more leaves to protect itself.

    I cleaned and watered the roots (they looked healthy), then repotted the tree with fresh fertilized soil, but the tree is turning brown. The top halve used to be green, but now its turned brown like a stick but still greenish on the inside.

    PLEASE HELP!!!!!!

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  2. Junglekeeper

    Junglekeeper Esteemed Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver BC Canada
    It's true that citrus become dormant below 13C. You've confirmed that the roots are in good condition and the stems are still green so there's a good chance the tree will develop new growth given proper care. At this point the tree will require very little moisture so reduce watering accordingly. I would also not fertilize until it recovers. Give it as much light as possible while making sure the roots are warm.
  3. T311

    T311 Member

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    Yankton, SD USa
    How did it turn out?

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