These little guys were found growing behind my garage in late May in Bellevue, NE. They look like baby red potatos and are about 1 1/2 to 2 inches across. Oblong. They have no stem and are connected to the mycelium via a single small white strand at the bottom. I've waited a few days to see if they turn into stemmed mushrooms, but they don't seem to be. Seems like this is it for them. Appreciate any help. Edit: they just slightly poke through the ground's surface. I was unable to get a spore print.
That is definitely a stinkhorn egg. The outside looks purplish to me, so that would mean Phallus hadriani (or similar looking stinkhorn egg). Please see
Awesome MycoRob, it looks almost exactly like the stinkhorn egg in the photos. Thank you so much. Now, I wonder if I just wasn't patient enough to see the mushroom develop... maybe there will be more. Thanks again! (Tipularia: that's what I was thinking- a puffball of some sort, but I had no luck identifying anything that resembled what I had. Thanks for responding!)
Often you will see more in the same area? Even from year to year. Pretty neat find! They're fascinating to see in their sporing stages as well.