Help! Peace lily wilting all of a sudden

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by lily101, Mar 21, 2009.

  1. lily101

    lily101 Member

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    Hi all,

    I have 2 peace lilies that have been doing great for a month until now. I noticed one was looking a bit tired yesterday. Then I got back today and was shocked to find it completely limp, while the other one is bright and perky.

    Please, can anyone help me out here? I water and mist once a week, tepid water; one spot is brighter than the other so I rotate locations once a week (both are still in indirect sunlight). The wilting plant got an extra cup of water 4 days ago because it was in the bright spot and we had a particularly hot day here. Both plants have elevated inner pots so the roots can't be sitting in water. No burnt spots or brown ends, just a few small yellow leaves inside. I had some leftover cooking sludge that I used as fertilizer two weeks ago. It's been rotting away, but both plants got it and only one is doing badly. Finally the wilting pot has a bloom that's starting to fade but I haven't cut it off yet. Any advice welcome -- I'm at my wit's end.
  2. K Baron

    K Baron Well-Known Member

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    North Vancouver, B.C., Canada
  3. Bluewing

    Bluewing Well-Known Member

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    Upstate NY
    When you watered the limp plant, did it perk back up? If yes, then you probably need to really "soak" the soil/roots at wateing time. spilling out any drained water under the pot.

    You can cut the dead flower off, stem and all back flush to the growing point.
  4. lily101

    lily101 Member

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    Thanks all! I gave it another watering and it did perk up a bit, although still not back to normal yet. I think I'll try to soak it this time and make sure the water gets to the roots. Amazingly, the wilting flower sprang back into action when I watered this time. I think I'll keep this bloom for the time being.

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