Help needs to identify this infestation

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by Minoo, Jan 23, 2021.

  1. Minoo

    Minoo New Member

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    I have had this fiddle fig for a year now and I have recently noticed a couple of leaves have a rusty orange shade. Looking at it with a magnifier I noticed there is some sort of infestation (or at least that is what I think) but not sure what it is.
    2 weeks ago I cleaned every leaf with a cloth and a bit of diluted alcohol and natural soap and the cleaned it with water. Then last week and I took it to the shower and hosed it down. But still the same signs.
    I have attached pictures. Appreciate any help or recommendation.

    Attached Files:

  2. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Well, the discoloured leaves themselves are not going to improve in appearance. You just want new leaves to not have the bugs, if that's what those are. When you wash off the leaves (wipe off with a cloth, in the shower), are the white things gone? If they are bugs, you need to do the wiping/hosing down every three or four days, several times (4, maybe more) until you've got all the new bugs hatched from eggs before they can lay new eggs.
  3. Minoo

    Minoo New Member

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    They are NOT certainly going away with hosing down or showering. I am having a hard time getting them off by using a cloth with rubbing alcohol on it. I separated one infested leaf from the plant and tried cleaning it and I have to rub really hard to get it off.
    What is this infestation? Have you seen this before?
  4. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    I am totally guessing now - there do seem to be scale insects that are white and hard to remove. Here is an article:
    How to Get Rid of Scale on Your Plants (
    If this is what these are, the recommendation is to remove damaged leaves and treat the plant to make sure the insects don't get established on unaffected leaves or other plants.
    I would definitely keep an eye out for these on your other plants as well, and treat those before the shells get established on them.
    Maybe someone who actually knows what these look like would chime in.
  5. Minoo

    Minoo New Member

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    only some leaves show this sign and I could only see them when zooming in on the photo or using a magnifier. Otherwise it is quite hard to see. The only way I noticed them was because some areas of the leaf are turning a bit orangish brown .
    I have removed two of the leaves that are badly infested as shown in the pic.
    Can anyone confirm if this could be spider mite infestation. If so what is the best remedy so it does not spread to my other 50 or so other plants? thanks for a quick response
  6. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    I don't think spider mites - they are easy to wash off, and their webs as well are easy to remove. With that much leaf discolouration, you would see webs. But I do think your treatment has to be similar, except that for scale, where it's so hard to wash off, it sounds like you need to get the affected material out of the house, since the bugs are protected by the scales.

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