Help needed for my acer red flamingo !

Discussion in 'Maples' started by Ven, Jun 2, 2016.

  1. Ven

    Ven New Member

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    My newly aquired acer red flamingo has problems . I have been looking on this forum for a while to get some idea of what is going on. Can someone please help and tell me what is wrong with it? I planted this tree in winter, i initially thought it was wind scorch but maybe it is something else. I really love this tree ! What can i do to help it ? It has lovely leaves so it's doing quite allright , but the state of the trunk is really bothering me !

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  2. JT1

    JT1 Contributor 10 Years

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    Euclid, OH USA
    It might be rodent damage. In my area it would be squirrel if its further up the trunk. They bite and pull the bark down and sometimes shred the bark with their claws. Chipmunks are guilty too. Rabbits tend to do smaller bites closer to the base.

    Its hard to tell for sure from the picture, but it appears that wound wood is forming which will close the wound. This is good! Healthy leaves are another positive sign.

    Healthy trees will recover and close the wound with no noticeable changes in growth or performance. Monitor the tree to make sure no problems occur like bug infestation in the area or rot from excessive water buildup. Both are pretty rare but can occur. The key is to make sure the wound wood forms and closes the open area.

    Water to help the tree establish quicker and protect / prevent from drought stress. Avoid wetting the damaged area when watering as you may unintentionally cause rot of the wounded area if it stays constantly moist. 1" of water a week is good unless the area around the tree is excessively hot and dry. Do not water if the area is already moist to prevent over watering, as too much water is just as stressful as not enough.

    You can provide another picture in a month or two for additional advice.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2016
  3. Ven

    Ven New Member

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    I will keep u posted ! Many thanks for your answer !
  4. maplesmagpie

    maplesmagpie Active Member

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    Zone 5b, along Lake Michigan in WI
    Great advice, and I'm glad it looks like the tree is healing.

    I just wanted to say what pretty bark the tree has-- the colors and pattern are beautiful.

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