I recently bought a new plant at a supermarket. Initially it appeared quite healthy then after a month of being in my house the leaves have begun to turn brown of the tips and at the sides. I need to identify the plant so I can then look at what care I need to be giving it to cure this browning. Many thanks in advance to anyone who can help me
It sort of looks like the leaf on the right side of this photo........http://www.botany.hawaii.edu/FACULTY/CARR/images/musa_x.jpg...........I'm no expert......just trying to help........ good luck
It doesn't look like Musa or Ensete leaves(banana), but I think the philodendron it probably a better guess. The picture makes the leave look enormous. What does the whole plant look like? Did you feed it recently? it looks like it has fertilizer burn. If it is philodendron it will like to be watered regularly.
It seems to be a philodendron species. The symptom shows that the plant is kept in a dry location, lacking humidity & warmth.
It is almost certainly a philodendron but the photo is unfortunately lacking in detail to give an identification. Philodendrons as a general rule like bright indirect light. They also need high humidity if at all possible (a moisture tray beneath the pot will help) and extremely well draining soil. Most people try to pot them in "grocery store" potting soil which often is the curse of death. Try repotting the plant in a mixture of 1/2 really good potting soil that has a fertiler already added, 1/4 good quality peat moss and 1/4 orchid potting mix. If you've got some Perlite through that in as well. What you're trying to achieve is a soil mixture that will hold moisture but drain very quickly. Few philodendrons like to sit in water but they love a lot of water. Sounds like a contradiction until you think about where they grow naturally which is in the rainforests of the world. I've got at least 30 species of mostly rare philodendrons and using this soil mixture they all do very well. A big trick is to make sure it gets bright but indirect light. Be careful about cold windows since almost all hate the cold. If you've got it in a dark part of a room that is likely the cause of the leaf beginning to die. You may have to cut this leaf off if it really begins to rot but most philos will recover and produce new leaves if given the right care. The majority of philos also want to climb so if you give it a totem that will make the plant happier. By the way, leaves die on even the most healthy plants so if you're doing everything right don't panic. It happens! But the edge rotting is usually a sign the plant does not like the environment.