Help! My Plant is Dying...

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by emk1125, Aug 10, 2009.

  1. emk1125

    emk1125 Member

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    Attached is a picture of my plant. I don't know what the name of it is but it's dying and I want to save it. ANY SUGGESTIONS?

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  2. togata57

    togata57 Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    Columbus, Ohio
    Well...aside from some leaf-tip browning, indicating a possible need to repot...what makes you think that your plant is dying?
  3. emk1125

    emk1125 Member

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    Well, it is my bosses plant and he thinks its dying because it doesn't look as healthy as it used to be. First, do you know what kind of plant it is? And second, what can we do to make it look healthier?
  4. togata57

    togata57 Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    Columbus, Ohio
    Looks like a Dracaena, maybe massangeana (corn plant) or 'Janet Craig'.
    Has its location been changed recently? Any variations in light, temperature, or watering frequency? How often, and how thoroughly, is the plant watered? Have you checked it over for bugs, fungus, etc.? When was the last time it was repotted? Is the soil fresh, or old and compacted?
    Going by the photo, I'd say that you have a big fairly healthy plant that probably needs repotting.
  5. joclyn

    joclyn Rising Contributor

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    philly, pa, usa 6b
    how often is it being watered? and, how much water is being put in? and, how much of the water works it's way out of the bottom drain holes and how quickly does it happen?
  6. emk1125

    emk1125 Member

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    We water it weekly. Should we water it more often?

    How much should we be watering it?
  7. joclyn

    joclyn Rising Contributor

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    philly, pa, usa 6b
    for that size plant, it's probably in a 12 inch container - give or take a couple either more or less. shouldn't need watering weekly, IF it's being thoroughly watered, that is.

    you want to provide enough water so the all the soil is completely moistened (and you know that it is by how the excess will come out the bottom drainage holes) and then all most all of it dry out before watering again. soil should be dry down 2-3 inches, at least, for that size container.

    you should also use water that's been allowed to sit for at least a day - this allows the excess chlorine to dissipate as well as allows it to get to room temp. both too much chlorine and too cold water can cause tip browning.

    it may also need repotting. even if it doesn't need a larger size container, the soil should be refreshed. every 2 or 3 years is standard to refresh soil and/or increase container size.

    this is not the best time to repot though, although, if changing watering habits doesn't lead to improvement, you may have to do it.

    normal growth pattern for draceana is that the lower leaves will die off and new leaves will grow at the top. so, leaf loss at the bottom of the trunk is not all that much of a concern. the way the leaves are browning; pretty much all over, does indicate it probably needs repotting.

    if the current container does not have drainage, then there may be root rot happening - another reason for tip browning and something that would need to be addressed immediately.

    so, all in all, i'd say repot it even though it's not the best time to do so. check the roots well and remove anything that is black/brown or mushy. use a well-draining mix like cactus soil. NOT miracle grow stuff as that has fertilizer in it and they rarely need it, and you don't want to burn the roots.

    cactus soil has bark bits, peat and perlite. i always add in some extra bark bits and some orchid soil (combo of bark bits, charcoal bits and lava rock) also...for extra drainage as well as for the charcoal which will filter the water a bit.

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