At work now but can post pictures this evening. I woke up to a plant practically folded in half and need to know if/how I can save it. I have had it for about 8 years, it stands about 6-7 feet tall. The stem/trunk is about 1-2 inches thick, the leaves are broad large leaves probably 12 inches long by 6-8 inches wide. It just keeps growing up and up and the stem/trunk finally got too weak. I have it supported by two 3 foot tall stakes, and it bent just above these today. It has never flowered, new leaves grow from the top, and older leaves peel off. Any ideas?? 2:20 Denver time now, should have pictures up by 6:30. Thanks in advance Dave
Description doesn't really have any bell ringers. Will probably find out soon after putting up pictures.
If stems didn't fold into a 'break' line, but just bent in an arc, you can stake them til it's strong again, but if there's a sharp angle, water can't get through and I'd be surprised if it's still alive tonight, though I'd still water and wait a day or two to be sure it doesn't revive.
it is a Dumbcane .. Diefenbachia (sp) ..i can never remember how to spell that one :) it needs more light as it got to top heavey and leggy .. move it to a brighter window . if there is no break in the stalk then it should be fine with a stake in it to hold it for now till it gets stronger .. Marn
Yes, if it is broken you can cut it and place the top part of the plant in water to root. Be sure you have at least one leaf node (where the leaf meets the stem) in the water because that is where the new roots will sprout. You can also root sections of the stem in the same manner, just be sure you place them in the water right side up! The stem left in the pot will also sprout and begin growing a new top. Once they are all rooted you can put them all in the same pot for a fuller looking plant.