I bought a nice Areca Plant about 4 days ago. It was beautiful and was making me smile. But now everyday it looks sadder and sadder. The leaves are drying. It has not turn yellow. The stems have brown stripes (I don't know if it's normal). When I got the plant they told me to repot it in a bigger pot. I did. I watered it a little but not too much because the dirt that I used to fill the new pot was already very moist. The first day it looked amazing. My 6 year old daughter said that it looked like it was opening its arms towards the sky. But more and more it's drying out. Did I repot it to soon? Did I do something wrong? Is there a cure? It's true that the air is very dry in the house, that's why I wanted to start buying plants to have a better air. I mist the plant regularly during the day. I don't know what else to do. The dirt is not dry. I have not been able to take pictures but I saw some pictures of another person's plant and it looks very much like mine so I attached those pictures. My plant is situated in a room that has a lot of natural light but now direct sun. Can you help me?
How long was it exposed to freezing moving it from the retailer to your home? Assuming it wasn't too cold then I'd look into overwatering or Spider Mites. Closeup images of the leaf undersides and overall aspect may yield other ideas.
I looked around and I don't see any sign of spider mites. It could be overwatering... There are no holes in the pot they give me with the plant. Maybe I should make holes in it... The dirt on the surface does not feel too wet , just moist, but I don't know how the dirt is down below. I watered it only once a little when I put it into a bigger pot. Are the brown stripes on the stems normal? Or can it also be from the overwatering?
I thought there were pictures sorry. I was not able to upload my pics, but I saw an old threat with pic of a plant that looks totally like mine, you can look at it. http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/showthread.php?t=59748
Those speckles are normal. I'd get it into more direct light. In nature they can grow in full sun so yours is probably suffering. http://toptropicals.com/pics/garden/m1/palm/Dypsis_lutescens0638.jpg Note plantparent's review. His/hers experience matches mine. http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/38367/