Help me save my Euphorbia, please!

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by Sandry, Oct 8, 2011.

  1. Sandry

    Sandry Member

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    I have a very tall 'cactus' - from the search I just did online, I believe it is actually a Euphorbia Trigona - that has branches that are becoming infirm and droopy. They looked a bit withered, so I thought it wasn't getting enough water. After giving it a bit more than I usually would for some weeks now, it seems to developing more droopy branches. I've grown this plant since it was ~10" tall. It is now at least 5' tall. I would cry if I failed to save it from whatever is going on. Am I watering it too much? I was just doing what I always have done before it started drooping..... It has not turned color, still a strong green. No browning or anything. It otherwise seems okay... Can you help??
  2. saltcedar

    saltcedar Rising Contributor 10 Years

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    Austin, Tx
    Sounds like root rot.
    If it is I'd take insurance cuttings and pot them in NEW cactus potting mix, in NEW pots.

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