Identification: Help me Identify my palm!

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by Mariapalmtree, Feb 15, 2007.

  1. Mariapalmtree

    Mariapalmtree Member

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    indianapolis, IN, USA
    I was given this palm tree about 4 years ago. When I got it, it was in bad shape and had 3 stalks with leaves at the end. The 2 smaller stalks ended up dying but the 3rd stalk has been growing out of control. This past summer, I kept it outside and watered it frequently. Now, the stalk has more stalks growing out of it about half way up. So far, I guess I have done a good job taking care of it but I would like to know what kind of palm it is so that I can better take care of it. It is an indoor palm and doesn't seem to require too much sunlight. Here are some pics of it. I hope someone will know what it is!

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  2. Bluewing

    Bluewing Well-Known Member

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    Upstate NY
    From the pictures, it looks more like a Yucca, or Dracaena then a palm. Do you have any close-up shots?
  3. Mariapalmtree

    Mariapalmtree Member

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    indianapolis, IN, USA
    I think it is a Dracaena too. All this time I thought it was some kind of palm until someone suggested that it was a "dragon tree," or in other words a Dracaena. I don't have any close up shots but the leaves grow in a spiral motion up and out. Once those leaves have fallen off thats what makes the trunk of the plant. It has about 5 little starts off the middle of the trunk. I wish I would have taken pics of it when I first got it. It was in really bad shape. Now, its my prized possession.

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