I'm hoping I can get some advice here, as I am totally new to citrus. I purchased a dwarf Bearss Seedless lime in June 2006, planted it in a largish container 16x16x24, watered regularly but not overwatering (I think) and it was doing nicely, bore quite a few limes and was blooming. Then about 6 weeks ago the leaves started looking a bit yellow and dry. I went online and saw that this was typically a sign of missing nutrients and then got some Tru-Green Citrus Growers Mix (0.12% copper, 2.20% iron, 1.06% manganese, 1.12% zinc) and applied it per the instructions. Within a week, the yellowing on the lime leaves grew worse, and now, about a month later, virtually every leaf has fallen off. Many blooms still remain. There are no signs of any insects or infestation. At the same time, I fertilized my Meyer lemon (similar size, pot and location) and it apears fine. So, any advice on this? I would suspect that with a grand total of three leaves left, this tree is a goner at this point, and I would like to find out what I may have done wrong before getting another. Or, if I can bring it back, specifc on what do do would be hepful. Any advice is welcome, thanks.
The large container may increase your chances of overwatering which is easy to do with citrus--especially during the winter when evaporation and water use by the plant is lower. If possible, lay the container on the side and slide the tree out until you can see the roots near the bottom-- if they are almost white (cream color) and firm, overwatering is not your problem, if the roots are brown and mushy, you have root rot from overwatering. Skeet