Help, is it mildew?

Discussion in 'Maples' started by BlackMaple, Oct 11, 2020.

  1. BlackMaple

    BlackMaple Member

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    7 Austria

    I'm worried about the containerized Ukigumo, Fireglow and Kamagata on my balcony. I bought them online two months ago. They were traveling in a box for a week, during which they lost a lot of leaves.

    I installed a shade cloth like 5 weeks ago and placed the Ukigumo behind, in a cornery position. Maybe their's too little air movement?

    It started about 3 weeks ago, when we had a few days of heavy rain. The pots were soaking wet. Day temps back then were still around 20 C. The Ukigumo lost basically all leaves, the Fireglow maybe 20% and the Kamagata not much.

    1. Is it mildew?
    2. Kamagata looks a bit different, small white dots, while on BM/UK it's more white/gray and cloudy.
    3. It looks like the trunks are also affected?
    4. I will never again get rid of it, right?
    5. Best option is spraying everything?


    Part 1

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    Last edited: Oct 12, 2020
  2. BlackMaple

    BlackMaple Member

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    Part 2

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    Last edited: Oct 12, 2020
  3. BlackMaple

    BlackMaple Member

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    Part 3

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    Last edited: Oct 12, 2020
  4. BlackMaple

    BlackMaple Member

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  5. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    @BlackMaple good morning, is it the trunk markings you are worried about? I can't see any mildew !! If it is the marks, there is nothing to worry about IMO. It appears to be the grafting rootstock showing through.
    As an added thought for you, as you have an enclosed area. In the Spring I spray all my small maples that are in a covered area with a fungacide. This ensures no spores take hold if there are any for the season.
  6. BlackMaple

    BlackMaple Member

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    7 Austria
    Hi @Acerholic
    I see, thank you for the tip!

    6. The first photo - ukigumo-1 - showing the fresh leaves. Those white, cloudy spots - is it something else then? I can rub it off with my fingers
    7. Do the fg-1/4/5/6 photos, not show a fungus on the branches/trunk? Especially 1/4. I know some white spots on the trunk are normal, but this looks more serious.
    8. So the kamagata-5 leaves look like regular, fall coloration?

    Sorry, I have to leave now. I will try getting a better picture of the Ukigumo clouding tomorrow.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2020
  7. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    Just seen the further posts that didn't appear initially when I opened the thread.
    IMO you have the start of Lichen on your branches and trunk, now this can be caused from stress, ie the move to a new location and the conditions it now finds itself in. For example a shaded area with little flow of fresh air.
    Lichen is an algae and moss that has come together and it will do your tree no harm at all. In fact I do not mind it.
    There are products on the market for spraying to rid your trees of this. They are normally high in Potassium.
    Some people use a potato scrubbing brush to remove it but this can damage the bark.
    Your trees acted quite normally in loosing their leaves fairy quickly after you received them as the stress of being in a box etc etc takes its toll.
    Are you seeing nice new buds? This is what you should be looking for atm, as Spring 2021 and onwards is when your new trees will do well.

    Atm I don't think the spots are Valsa Cankers.
  8. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    If you can rub off the white from the leaves then it looks like powdery mildew. Air circulation problems is often the cause. These leaves will drop, but remove and destroy them. Treatment can be a natural mix of one table spoon baking soda, and half teaspoon of liquid non detergent soap in a gallon of water and spray liberally over the trees every two weeks. I have also attached this for you to read, which I think you will find informative.
    Powdery mildews
    The Kamagata may have the early signs of powdery mildew, but as it's late in the season the colouring after they have been moved can well look stressed.
    Again I would clear any fallen leaves, destroy and spray the tree thoroughly as above.
    BlackMaple likes this.
  9. BlackMaple

    BlackMaple Member

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    7 Austria
    @Lichen: Ah, I see. I'm relieved.

    @Little Buds: Hmm yes, I see little buds everywhere. Most on the Ukigumo.

    Thanks for the information @Acerholic ! So then I will not cut off any more of the infected leaves, but just leave till they drop and remove immediately.

    On the Kamagata, it looks to be something differnt. There are small white and black dots, where most of them are of the black variety. I can't seem to rub them off. Well, I will spray all the trees anyway.

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