I was looking for houseplants at the nursery to replace my others that had died, and I found one that was so pretty but she didn't know what exacty it was. She said they had received a large shipment with thier green houseplants and many of them did not have tags with them. I would like to know what it is so I can look up information on keeping it healthy and lively. It's leaves are palm-like, green outlined in red. I just didn't know whwere to begin. Thanks for any and all suggestions! Don't know what happened to my images on my first post. Here they are! Thanks again!
Am thinking the beautiful red and green plant is some kinda cordyline/ti plant. Lovely! (Looks mighty dry, though.) The other may be a variety of aglaonema. Initially thought Dieffenbachia, but I'm leaning toward aglaonema.
I would have guessed cordyline terminalis 'red sisters' without a pic but then I have one myself so its not so hard:) Good luck with the cordy, they can be a leetle fussy but generally they're quite difficult to kill!
Just what I need, another fussy plant. For some reason I seem to be attracted to those. I buy first based on looks and research later. Oh well, I'll just give it some extra TLC. Thank you all SO much for for all the info and suggestions! It does look like a cordyline terminalis.
cordyline, I don't over water and it is doing fine. http://www.tesselaar.net.au/growingguides/cordyline-red-sensation.asp http://www.abc.net.au/gardening/stories/s1571243.htm http://www.nurseriesonline.com.au/Articles/Growing_Cordylines.html Liz
They're actually not too bad, once you get the conditions right, it just took me a while to work those out, and I'd never had that much trouble with a plant before, which is why I said they can be a bit fussy. I got mine in fall and by bedroom at the time was north facing and not very warm, which it didn't like and I didn't realise they don't like chlorine in the water (if you get any brown tips on the leaves this will probably be the cause) once I sorted these things out it was fine. And as I said, in my case I knew my plant wasn't dying but I knew it wasn't altogether happy either.