I may have the same tree and problem My indoor tree is dying. I don't know what type of tree it is and how to care for it. It has been fine for over a year and now it is just slipping away. To see it, goto http://www.listenupnews.com/mytree.htm Any help is appreciated. It is not in dirt, it is in some rock-like stuff. And it has been watered the same as it has been for the last year. -Todd & Christie courtreporting@listenupnews.com
Looks like Dracaena deremensis 'Janet Craig' - corn plant and appears to have been overwatered. Cut off the top growth that is brown and leave the stalk. As you will see in your first picture, there will eventually be new sprouts from where you cut. http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/interiorscape/dracaenajanet.html Also, it would be better to register and keep your e-mail address secure so you don't get spammed, instead of showing it. Newt
first it looks like it has been in too much sun the leaves look burnt if that is the case then the tree is gone
I agree with Newt on this one. Looks more like rot to me. The browning is centred on the main stem. If it were burned by sun it would be more distributed over the leaves.